Tom Iland on National Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month

April is Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month. Today's guest is an autism self-advocate and a best-selling author Thomas Iland. Tom has been a resident of the Santa Clarita Valley since 1993. He is a graduate of California State University, Northridge (CSUN) and a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). He was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at the age of 13. Since that time, he has worked hard to achieve many of his personal and professional goals: full-time employment, driving, living in his own apartment and having a girlfriend. He has extensive, first-hand experience working for companies including Calavo Growers, Tetra Tech, Princess Cruises, Deloitte, The Walt Disney Company, Blockbuster Video, Regal Entertainment Group, and Hollywood Video. Leaving his career in accounting behind in November 2015, Tom now dedicates himself full-time to public speaking, offering unique insights with heart and humor in his engaging presentations. Tom has presented several keynote presentations on his mantra: Know Yourself. Love Yourself. Be Yourself. Other topics include interacting safely with law enforcement, and telling your child about his/her disability. His first book, “Come to Life: Your Guide to Self-Discovery,” is an Amazon best seller and has won several prestigious awards. An active volunteer, Tom serves on the board of directors for several non-profit organizations, including The Art of Autism, The Santa Clarita Valley Mayor’s Committee for Employment of Individuals with Disabilities, and Santa Clarita Valley Safe Rides. He is also a division director for District 52 of Toastmasters International, and is nearing completion of the Distinguished Toastmaster Award, the highest award in the organization, indicating an outstanding level of achievement in both communication and leadership. Currently, Tom serves Junior Chamber International (JCI) Santa Clarita, more affectionately known as the “Jaycees,” as the treasurer. Tom joined the Jaycees after being honored with JCI Santa Clarita’s “40 Under Forty” award in 2012 for his work with SCV Safe Rides. One of his favorite activities with the Jaycees is Christmas caroling in Charles Dickens era clothing during the annual Christmas event, Santa’s Helpers. Tom has held the roles of secretary, treasurer, manager-at-large, and executive vice president.
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